8 Easy Strategies to Cultivate Wisdom from Your Experiences
How wise are you? Whether you’re wise or not, you can become a lot wiser than you think! Each day, we have the ability to know a little more than we did yesterday.
Our ability to understand the world and how the universe works can grow each day, as
long as you make it a priority to cultivate wisdom from your experiences for a few minutes each day.
These strategies will help you to cultivate wisdom from your experiences, and grow your wisdom:
1. Examine your experiences.
You’ve already lived quite a few years, but how much have you learned from those years? Start with your childhood and examine your life. Think about what you have learned from the time you were a young child until now and consider if there is more to discover. Reflect on what your greatest mistakes were and what your greatest failures have taught you. Think about successful and unsuccessful people you’ve known and see what lessons you can take from them.
2. Create more experiences.
The more you live, the more you’ll learn. Get out of the house and step out of your comfort zone. Live your life to the fullest, and you’ll gain wisdom more quickly. A full life provides the opportunity to develop well-rounded wisdom. Read more about the Pyramid of Mastery and how to build a life of fulfilment and achievement.
3. Review your day - every day.
After reflecting on your life, make it a habit to review each day. Consider how much you can learn from each day’s events. Apply what you learn and aim to eliminate your regular mistakes. It’s not possible to be wise without this regular examination.
4. Read.
Plenty of wise people have come before you, and much of their wisdom is contained in books that you can learn from. Read and learn from history’s great thinkers, applying their insights to your own experiences. Building your knowledge from a foundation of expert perspectives can broaden your understanding.
5. Question the status quo.
Keep in mind that wisdom isn’t always contained in things that are regional or cultural. If something isn’t universal, it’s probably not true wisdom. For example, religion and political views vary by region, and a particular culture isn’t inherently wiser than another. Avoid forming an understanding based solely on your culture. Instead, aim to develop a personal understanding of the world that goes beyond cultural boundaries.
6. Spend time alone in nature.
Getting away from your normal environment is a great way to refresh your perspective. One of the best ways to do this is by spending time alone in nature. Go hiking or camping for a weekend. You’ll discover more about yourself, have the freedom for deep thinking, and break free from your routine thoughts and habits.
7. Make a list of 10 things you would tell a child.
Think about the 10 pieces of advice you would give a child about life. What are your top 10 greatest tips for
successful and happy living? Review and update this list regularly, as it helps crystallise your values and the lessons you’ve learned. Try this FREE values workbook about what matters to you, your values, and how you stay true to your core.
8. Be willing to let go of your misconceptions.
Many of us are open to adding to our knowledge, but few are willing to seriously consider that some of our
long-held beliefs might be wrong. Questioning your certainties, especially those that don’t serve you, opens the path to greater wisdom.
You can become wise, exercise good judgment, and use your experiences to your advantage. Most people fail to learn life’s lessons because they don’t take the time to review their experiences. But you’ve lived, you’ve suffered and failed, and you’ve succeeded. You can use all those experiences to your advantage and grow in wisdom.